Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ceci n'est pas un Boatrace, officer.

I really hope she isn't wearing the print dress ironically, cos it's the best.
Should be accessorized with a big nose and many doubles (and dirty hair?)
But when you go out you should always get dressed then take one thing off.
So maybe she could have washed her hair. that's where i went wrong with zadie.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

sorry, son

herv says:
see that nebula

cherv says:
I calculated it's distance from us

herv says:
I did it during my workexpierience in Liège

cherv says:
to get familiar with astrophysics

herv says:
i had to calculate it's expansion velocity

cherv says:
take the time lapse it took between two intervals of time

cherv says:
from sept something 1997 and august smthg 1994

cherv says:
counting also 1996 as a bisextile year

herv says:
but the I had some equations to use to calculate its distance from us by using the "expansion tangentielle"

cherv says:
but I also calculated distances from a supernova, galaxy and gobular star cluster

cherv says:
using different methods

cherv says:
for example for a galaxy I used special types of stars that pulsate periodically

cherv says:
and then with the period I calculate the distance from each other

cherv says:
oops shit you're not here...

cherv says:
didn't realise

Saturday, January 28, 2006

En Selle.

today i bought organic, unpasteurised cheese and one tomato

my new bike is a cunt by the way, it rips my jeans.

Friday, January 27, 2006

i hate the coopa-troupers

at least the beastie boys aren't old.

photo stolen from acrapwebsite.com

listen to the mario rap. ay, iwis.

imnevergonna quit/cos some kid at school told me you get toseethe princess' tits

the princess is a freak even though she got class
mario will take a plunger and stick it in her ass

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Sidney Street

If you penny something in Sainsbury's, Jamie Oliver HAS to down it.

The Gubernator Gropes

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

ed. Alex Preminger

Sunday, January 22, 2006



  • came back to cambridge on friday 13th, first sober night since then, hello mum.
  • met zadie smith, was rude to her and vice the old versa
  • bullet points still rule. i assume they are one of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

*this piece of photoshopped goodness took 2 hours. we gave up on photoshop and used 'paint' hey i'm having supervishizzle in the white building (claim to fame?)

Friday, January 20, 2006


© AC och Emilie Produktion AB

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Jens [Lekman] Pedersen




this is today's double claim to fame.

Sunday, January 15, 2006



Saturday, January 14, 2006

What Katy Did.

This is where photos from HogMaNay should go but i deleted them all.
cos i'm a spazz and a half.

INCLUSO the photo of people fucking on the street. d'oye.

(Katy got her hair did)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Dateline, King's Cross

i forgot to mention that this guy buttonholed me for money for a train ticket when i was at the station waiting for my edinburgh party-machen train and went like ahh dude i need to get back to cambridge can you help me out my cards have been stolen and i was like meuh no and then i saw him again and asked if he had had any luck he was like no, couldn't you go to the cash machine, please? [and he seemed pretty dishevelled and Cantabrian] so i went and the ATM told me my PIN was wrong and i was like dv dv dv sorry man it doesn't like me

and then he wanted me to go to one outside the station and i was like ahh but my train and then suddenly the god of stupid swept down and bashed me on the brain with his stupid stick and i told him that i only had some euros i could give him and he said yeah yeah that would be fine i can change them otherwise i'll be stuck here

so i handed over a crisp 50 euros, and he told me his name was benedict and promised to pay me back in cambridge, and i went to edinburgh for hogmagay with no cash, no access to funds, no nothing. {i had a bottle of wine, litre of vodka and some whisky in my suitcase, though}

and he hurried off, NbyNW in the direction of the ticket office.

['was't well done?' I know Ariel is a girl because I want her]

Fast forward to today..

and i'm chillaxing it to the max with my bags in paddington and there he is, sweating and coming down and probably panhandling and i know that the longer i make this story the more of a big fucking jew i seem but what the fuck, what a dirty great pile of dick and i hope he gets cancer of the ballsack (or a place at rehab and a helping hand back into society, yar.)

Liver & Onions

  • are fucking cool.

anyway safe. Orlando Bloom went to SoFo for Fucking happy new sylvester. way to destroy the illusion that it's not played out. thanks, orlando.

  • .
  • .

New Photographic Evidence opens up a debate that was previously thought to be the shortest ever; Was Connall Right to Bone Clara's Sister

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Breakfast, LUNCH and DINNER

Lucy K Shackleton, you will still read my blog when you go to Nepal which is not in SE Asia at all really.

You will have to because when i finally have a decent internet connection i am going to post literally 10,000 photos.

We failed to find any coal for the old 'first footing' (first fisting, whatever). Sucks.

Let's play 'In Edinburgh I Ate..'

I'll go first:

Day The First
  • Curry for Dinner
  • Chips at half-past-new-year
  • Whole Dirty Pepperoni Pizza at 6.30

Day The Second

  • Macdonalds for breakfast at 1.
  • Pasta mit shop gekaufd saucen
  • Whole Dirty Onion Pizza

Don't Remember the Order of the Rest

  • Bacon Butty (90p)
  • Chips
  • Cheese and Salami Sandwich
  • Pasta with half shop-bought sauce