Saturday, April 29, 2006

Love in the time of H5N1

I heartily recommend clicking to enlarge this photo.

But don't eat there.

Thursday Night:

3 Pints Carlsberg
2 long-island iced-teas with ice
2 ditto without ice (yum!)
1 pint Stella Mcwifebeater
1Vodka tonic
1 Van of Life Cheeseburger

Friday Night:

4 pints Carlsberg
2 double vodka tonics
2 x 500ml cans of Carlsberg
1 Gardies Cheeseburger

[2 x pissing on Caius.
1 lost boy from Girton we picked up along the way
1 Andy Saynor Swimming in the Cam]

Friday, April 28, 2006

En tutte är en tutte

Falcon, Sofiero, Stockholm, KUNG, Lucky Star.

one day we will get bored of building beer structures.

America (Sweden) is not the World

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Photo Stolen from Vice

My father said that on the ferries between Sweden and Estonia kids used to get wasted and walk along the hand-rail, high above the baltic. Also he said that he was once on one of those ferries when a (real) kid (as in- 'infant') fell in. oops.

He got a 3rd in PPE har har. Oxford spanked him.

(Liste 18)

lucy, as in, please go back to berlin, or back to der hunsruck (+ umlauts)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

janne's shirt.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

This is where I went on holiday, these are my parents, they like to play golf.
They have their very own website. It's right HERE. I hope you like it, they hope you like it, pretty much everyone involved hopes you fucking like it.

This is a dirty webcam photo [hur hur i should get more hits for that] of Sundsvall. A charming place we passed through on a very slow train through Sweden, aboard which one was NOT allowed to smoke.

I took my camera to Scotland and Sweden AND BELGIUM but I generally couldn't be arsed to charge the battery, even though I (or brendan*) paid 3.50 for an adaptor. I would show you the few photos I took, mostly of beercan structures, but I lost the USB cable thing.

Fun story? Shall I tell it again?

*Irish man, about yea high, owes me 100 euros. (lets 'call' it 100 'euros', it's 'probably' several 'thousand')