This is where I went on holiday, these are my parents, they like to play golf.
They have their very own website. It's right HERE. I hope you like it, they hope you like it, pretty much everyone involved hopes you fucking like it.

This is a dirty webcam photo [hur hur i should get more hits for that] of Sundsvall. A charming place we passed through on a very slow train through Sweden, aboard which one was NOT allowed to smoke.
I took my camera to Scotland and Sweden AND BELGIUM but I generally couldn't be arsed to charge the battery, even though I (or brendan*) paid 3.50 for an adaptor. I would show you the few photos I took, mostly of beercan structures, but I lost the USB cable thing.
Fun story? Shall I tell it again?

*Irish man, about yea high, owes me 100 euros. (lets 'call' it 100 'euros', it's 'probably' several 'thousand')
Your parents can be mine as well. I really loved them, so cool.
please tell the story again.
you forgot to mention that brendan is a fag.
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