
Here, as promised, are the photo's from amsterdam. I mean the real thing, not just a new york pizza (DAMN TASTY) logo or an advert for cheese crack, which is also damn tasty, but not trademarked as such. We ate new york pizza and 2 arabs laughed at us for being bums but we told them it was damn tasty and they were like shee-it good point nigguhs, and then we (probably) threw up a gang sign and they fucked off. We then told some finnish tourists to eat there too, then we stood next to them and stared and pointed at them, and made loud comments, but they didnt notice us. Then a guy on a bike with another guy standing on the back of his bike cycled into the shop. I think they noticed that. The end.
we went to the red light district and drank nasty-ass beer in a shitty pub. The we ate new york pizza or i did, anyway there were fat germans...
It is the inevitable fate of all good pub crawls to be memorable but nonetheless forgotten.
How poetic is that? shee-it. I should be an english student.
Seeing as blogger is putting up the photos backwards...ned, half an argentinian sax player, The Author. cafe maarten is across the alley from cafe de schutter, otherwise known as the one-euro-beer bar. Two girls took a photo of themselves, but they gave us the rest of their beers. At least were not so cheap that we scab beer in a bar where it only costs one euro...ned stares across the canal to the himatt hotel, although actually when we went to ask if the series was filmed there, the two yanks who were renting the apparment didnt know anything about it...
cant be assed to put more now. byeeeeeee
red light district,good boy!
pizza sucks.
nice last picture.
its vito and her spanish bfriend.but shhhhhhhhhh its a secret.
tho, this is probably why i posted it on my blog, oh well.
arr could you write a little more please jack? actually do, i couldn't be arsed.
i saw vito on the tram with her daygo b/f, but i thought he was belgian...anyway isnt it vyto? otherwise she looks like a mafioso or bam margera's fat dad's fat best friend or ok just shoot me
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