i wish i had fun stories to tell but i was really drunk so..
oh a guy 'dom', prez. of Ruse/roos.. drinksoc. allegedly puked in a girl's bed after smoking her weed.. 1st year girl. one of his friends told her and she got mad so he spat at her and started loudly asking if she knew who he was. i was listening in a pasty fat man pulled me away so i told him to fuck off and he ranted drunkenly and probably wanted a fight. I just managed to not give him an excuse but it went on for a long time and i went to sleep v. angry indeed. i was an ANGRY YOUNG MAN but i didn't write a decent play or novel about it
(though niether did they,to be fair)
agonisingly embarassing freshers themed events so far:
- school disco bop
- pyjama pub crawl
- speed introductions
i hate people who went to public school and i hate people who went to comprehensive
addenda: did i mention he was a total prole?
also he kept acusing me of being a pretentious thesp. when i analysed anything he said he would 'go': you're SUCH an ENGlish student
Its amazing to see how much fun you have, ned!keep up the good work, being sarcastic, its the one thing you re good at.And thanxs for stealing pictures where I look like a boy posing in a wanabe slut position.
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