Sunday, November 21, 2004

Stick A Bush

well she talks to all the servants
about man and god and law
everyone says she's the brains behind pa
she's 60 acres but says she's 54

stylé, dylan.
not as fashion as brice, but close.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he puts his cigar out in your face just for kicks
his bedroom window is made out of bricks
hes 68 but he says hes 24
i aint gonna work on maggie's farm no more

dunno if ur talking about the same brice but after the 'getting only the SECOND highest bac mark' debacle 2 years ago, he dropped out of maths prep school in france and is doing (guess what) science-po at ULB

how the mighty are fallen

11:56 AM  
Blogger pocketsdumbfat said...

people should sign their comments.
i was talking about brice de nice
who i guess is synonymous with christophe..
maybe his brother actually was called brice, i don't remember.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ich heisse jix de mix dude

5:33 PM  

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