"The first video depicting the children splashed with milky liquids on their faces strongly suggests that semen has been sprayed on the children, yet the children's reactions toward this sudden attack of fluid are childish. Each is excited by the event, which seems neutral to them. For an adult, to be splashed by any form of liquid is unpleasant and possibly degrading. This action performed in the video becomes even more complicated when the fluid may be part of sexual excretion. However, Tseng's choice of children responding to this action subverts how one may initially respond to this concept. Tseng thus is making a social commentary on how adults can implicate their own ideologies in the interpretation of sexual acts upon children."
stolen from momus and he was quoting someone else.
is it bad bloggy etiquette to yink whole paragraphs instead of an amusing sentence or two?
the words rat's and ass spring to mind
(land of my fathers, men of harlech etc.)
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